While at the BIACal conference I met David L. Brown, the producer and director of a spectacularly hopeful documentary entitled, "Going the Distance - Journeys of Recovery." It is the perfect timely message for those with traumatic brain injuries (in particular) but any handicapped person, survivors, families, friends, caregivers, and so on to see that there is a way to be "A Comeback Kid." You need faith, family, friends, assets and resources.
To introduce you to the man behind the viewfinder, following are two sites that tell stories about what motivated David Brown to take on the personal journeys of four people, strangers really.
Bay Area Filmmaker Goes The Distance.
This documentary has all the elements of great storytelling and movie-making: love, romance, danger, pathos, hope, despair, triumph, loss, gain, and the indomitable human spirit.
The four featured survivors are a young boy who gets back on a surf board with a "helper" dog; a young Marine injured in the war; a young woman thrown from a motorcycle; and a young man who was the victim of road rage.
You can visit this website to see the trailer:
There is a companion website to help raise the last $16 grand needed by Thanksgiving to get this movie out into the world:
Please check it out, reach into your pockets for a contribution, and pass this message along.
The lucky ones get to the finish line - this movie is also to raise awareness of the on-going need for assets and resources to enable those who are not so lucky.
What better Thanksgiving gift than to help David meet his $16,000.00 matching challenge to get this movie out in the world for all of us, especially we who are temporarily able-bodied.
If they can do it, we can.
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